The software suite for legal professionals


KJU is a software that supports lawyers, especially judges and public prosecutors, in their daily work, reduces their workload and enables a more efficient workflow.




Master thesis strategic design



Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro

Concept summary

In German courts, proceedings increasingly extend due to staff shortages and a lack of specialists. Lawyers face growing workloads and need tools for efficiency. Integrating AI and algorithmic systems offers a promising solution. This master's thesis developed various programs integrated into a software suite for lawyers to meet judicial system requirements.


The research included comprehensive desk research on legal aspects as well as the collection of current figures, data and facts. Furthermore, existing software solutions that are currently used in the justice sector were examined, as well as current pilot projects on the use of artificial intelligence in the German justice system. In addition, interviews were conducted with experts and users. The interviewees included judges, public prosecutors, legal scholars, computer scientists and experts in the field of legal tech.

Target group challenges

Complex file management

Lawyers have to organize a large number of files and documents, which is very time-consuming without consistent electronic file management and requires a lot of paper.

Time-consuming creation of legal documents

The creation and processing of pleadings, lawsuits and contracts requires a lot of time and precision, often under great time pressure.

Time-consuming file research

Searching and analyzing files to find relevant information and precedents takes up a large part of working time.

Difficulties with manual document comparison

Legal professionals often have to manually compare different documents to identify changes and differences, which is error-prone and time-consuming.


Once the target group had been defined, I created detailed personas. Based on the key questions and user requirements, I developed initial concepts and solution approaches. I also created a value proposition canvas to get a better overview of the challenges (pains) and potential opportunities. Finally, I formulated a series of software programs and their functions to be integrated into the software suite.

Project goals

Easier research
Efficient search for court rulings, laws and legal literature using intelligent algorithms.


Analysis of complex issues
Platform as a valuable assistant to relieve lawyers.


Handling large volumes of documents
AI support for organizing, indexing and searching legal documents.


Support, not replacement
Tool for creating initial drafts of reasons for judgment, not as a replacement for judges and public prosecutors.


Increasing efficiency and improving quality
Use of AI to tackle challenges in the justice system.


By researching and analyzing a real file from a civil case dealing with claims for damages following a car accident, four expert systems were identified in the ideation phase and integrated into the software suite. These systems are: the cloud, a legal writing tool, a document comparison tool and a research tool. The expert systems are explained in more detail below:


The cloud platform offers a hub where all relevant files and information can be stored. It is effectively a further development of the e-file.


A central aspect of the cloud software is the ability to regulate access to different user groups. Different authorizations can be defined to ensure that only authorized persons can access certain documents. In addition, the police, public prosecutor's office and lawyers for plaintiffs and defendants can upload their trial-relevant documents here and make them available to the judges.


The software offers extensive functions for managing files and records. Users have the option of sorting documents according to various criteria, organizing them in virtual files and moving them between different departments or areas of responsibility as required.

Furthermore, the cloud platform makes it easy to send files, whether within the system or externally to relevant parties. This speeds up the entire work process and promotes efficient communication between the various players in the justice system.

The cloud platform also provides access to other software in the suite.


Legal writing tool

The software offers functions aimed at optimizing the writing process and improving the quality of the legal documents created.


A key feature is the automatic generation of sentence modules. This function uses AI algorithms to suggest legally precise formulations depending on the use case, be it an order, a judgment or a pleading. These predefined modules not only make the writing process considerably easier, but also ensure compliance with legal standards and the creation of consistent documents.

Another benefit is the automated suggestion function for laws and paragraphs. The AI analyzes the context of the text to be created and recommends relevant legal principles to the user that can be integrated into the text. This saves a considerable amount of time and allows users to concentrate on the content of their texts.


The software therefore not only helps to increase efficiency in the legal writing process, but also ensures increased quality and accuracy of the legal documents produced.

Document comparison tool

This software is characterized by its ability to automatically extract meta and key data from documents and highlight differences in the text. It analyzes the text content and automatically highlights deviations, changes or additions in the text passages. This not only makes it easier to find modifications, but also enables the history of document changes to be tracked. The functions help to streamline the comparison process and save users valuable time.

Research tool

The research tool enables judges and public prosecutors to search quickly and precisely for laws, deadlines, guidelines, similar judgments or proceedings, as well as previous convictions. It is characterized by its powerful functions, which significantly minimize the search effort and improve the quality of the information found.


A significant benefit is the ability to search for similar judgments or proceedings. This enables judges to access previous decisions and their reasoning in order to learn from existing case law and make consistent decisions.

Research tool

To illustrate how the software suite works, I selected two of the expert systems (cloud and search tool) and created wireframes for them. In the next step, I also developed a prototype to illustrate the practical applications and user interactions. This prototype served not only as a visual representation, but also as a functional model for evaluating and refining the software.



To give users and customers the opportunity to find out more about the company KJU (Kompagnion der Juristen), I also created a website. This provides the most important information about the software suite, the subscription plans and enables direct contact with the company.



Design and visual appearance

After finalizing the concept, I created a mood board to serve as a source of inspiration for the visual design and the appearance of the company. The concept aims to give a professional, clear and bright impression to ensure a positive and efficient user experience.


The main color, a dark blue, lends stability and professionalism to the appearance. A strong orange serves as an accent color, conveying energy and dynamism. The complementary colors create a balanced and lively presence.


A dominant white background and clean design were chosen to avoid overwhelming the viewer and ensure a modern, professional appearance. Black is used for the text for optimal readability and to present the information clearly and concisely.


SF Pro Display is used as the typeface. It is perceived as modern, easy to read and professional.

It offers the viewer clarity and legibility, especially on monitors. The letters are straightforward and modern in design, with different weight variants for flexibility. It harmonizes with the rest of the company's visual design and provides a contemporary look.


The icons and illustrations in the corporate design are characterized by rounded corners, which gives the overall appearance a modern and friendly ambience. The use of contours instead of filled icons conveys lightness and ensures a tidy look. The use of flat design helps to create a contemporary and modern appearance, making information easy to absorb.

Logo and Slogan

The name “Kju” stands for Compagnon in Justice (in German: Kompagnong in der Justiz). The deliberate choice of this name not only provides a clear link to the core competence, but is also easy to pronounce and memorize. The simplicity and professionalism of the design are emphasized by the cleverly nestled letters. The logo is not only simple, but also holistic and multifunctional, reflecting the versatility and broad applicability of the software suite.


The concise slogan “The software suite for lawyers” (in German: Die Software-Suite für Juristen) was deliberately chosen to focus on the company name and the Kju brand. This short formulation gives customers a quick overview of the company's range of services in the field of legal software. The intention is to leave a lasting impression on the customer so that Kju is anchored in their mind as the first choice in terms of legal software.


Final logo with slogan

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